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Maths Week 2023

New tasks for Mhol Mata
New tasks have been created to support the usae of Mol Mata in the classroom. You can find them  here.
Online quiz for Rang 5 and Rang 6
To celebrate Maths Week COGG have organised an online Quiz for Rang 5 and Rang 6. The quiz will be held on Wednesday 18th October at 11am.
Leave the books aside and work with your friends to answer these fun math questions!

Seoladh Aistear Ama

Aistear Ama

Seoladh acmhainn úrnua staire do shonraíocht na sraithe sóisearaí

ar an 17 Deireadh Fómhair

ar a 5 i.n

i gColáiste na hOllscoile, Corcaigh.

 Is cúis mhór áthais do COGG an acmhainn úrnua staire seo a sheoladh i gcomhar le hIonad na Gaeilge Labhartha, Coláiste na hOllscoile, Corcaigh.

Tá an téacsleabhar scríofa ag Edel Ní Loingsigh, múinteoir staire i nGaelcholáiste Charraig Uí Leighin. Seolfaidh an tUasal Seán Ó Broin, Ionad na Gaeilge Labhartha, Aistear Ama go hoifigiúil i seomra caidrimh na foirne.

Tá COGG ag foilsiú an téacsleabhair agus á chur ar fáil saor in aisce do scoláirí na chéad bhliana i ngach iar-bhunscoil Ghaeltachta agus lán-Ghaeilge sa tír ó thús na scoilbhliana seo.

Ag an ócáid, labhróidh an tOllamh Pádraig Ó Macháin, Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge,  ar fhorbairt an Ghaeloideachais agus ar chothú na dtacaíochtaí oiliúna i gCorcaigh.

Beidh fáilte mhór romhaibh go léir, roimh bhur scoláirí agus bhur gcuid mac léinn staire agus ábhair oidí.  Beidh ceol agus sólaistí ar fáil do chách!

Ag súil go mór le bualadh libh ar an 17 Deireadh Fómhair. RSVP chuig

Leagan digiteach ar fáil anseo.

Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027

COGG’s Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027 was launched on the 28th of September 2023.

Available here.The President of the University of Galway, Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, launched the COGG Strategic Plan 2023-2027 in Óstán Chois Fharraige in Conamara. Speaking at the event, Mr Ó hÓgartaigh noted the scope and the diversity of the work being done by the organisation.

He said:

I am delighted to be asked to launch the Strategic Plan of an Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta (COGG) because of the extremely close link between the work they do and the ethos of the University of Galway. COGG has a central role in preserving the Irish language in the education system, where the future of the language, especially, exists and depends. This is a living and dynamic strategy for the future with the provision of services for the development of the Gaeltacht and all-Irish sectors and also for the teaching of Irish in all secondary schools in the country, a central mission of the organisation. I commend this work and wish this positive and progressive strategy every success.

An tOllamh Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh (President – University of Galway), Jacqueline Ní Fhearghusa (Chief Executive – COGG) agus Cathnia Ó Muircheartaigh (Chairperson – COGG).

The Strategic Plan sets out in a clear concise way the areas in which COGG engages according to its statutory functions. COGG’s duties primarily relate to: the provision of textbooks to L1 secondary schools, the funding of teaching and learning resources, the provision of support services for schools, the facilitation and funding of research on immersion education and advice to the Minister for Education and the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment on teaching through Irish and the teaching of Irish. The Strategic Plan gives a comprehensive overview on the extent and variety of the work being done by the organisation to support L1 schools and to support the implementation of the Policy on Gaeltacht Education. The internal work of the organisation which relate to its statutory functions is also represented through graphics and diagrams which show the operation of funding schemes, the development of textbooks and the operation of research bursaries. The Strategic Plan outlines the various means by which the work of the organisation will progress in future years in terms of support for L2 schools in the teaching of Irish and additional support services for L1 schools.

Cathnia Ó Muircheartaigh, the new chairperson of COGG, acknowledged the great work done by the organisation since it was first founded.

“The work of COGG is well known, thanks to the diligence and commitment of the people who worked for the organisation and who were on the board of COGG for many years. As someone who comes from the Gaeltacht, I applaud the work they have done to support schools through the Gaeltacht School Recognition Scheme of the Department of Education. The Board and staff of COGG will be proactive in their support for the development and implementation of the new Policy on Irish Medium Education outside of the Gaeltacht.”

The Chairperson referenced the need to grow the Irish language education sector at secondary level, in independent schools and the role COGG will play in supporting the teaching of Irish in L2 schools.

“We have to focus on the needs of learners of Irish in schools where English is the primary language. We recognise also, the importance of growing and developing the all-Irish sector in the future.” he said.

Photographs from the event below.

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance | Annual Reports and Statements | Freedom of Information | Policies | Submissions | Data Protection | Protected Disclosures | COGG Logo Guidelines | Prompt Payments |

Internal Audit System

It is the policy of An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta & Gaelscolaíochta (COGG) to have an internal audit system of a high standard in place that is in line with the best practices that have been statutorily recognised for that purpose in the state system and in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Finance. An internal auditor service is provided for An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta & Gaelscolaíochta (COGG) by a qualified accountant.

The duties of the internal auditor are as follows:

  • To audit COGG accounts and practices and internal financial control systems on a regular basis agus to provide recommendations regarding its amendment or improvement when necessary.
  • To attend the two meetings per year of the COGG Audit Committee, to report to the Committee and to answer questions from the committee regarding COGG accounts and financial practices.

In the event that An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta & Gaelscolaíochta a purchase order in excess of €20,000, the information will be published an this site. Links to Terms of Reference agus COGG Conflict of Interest Policy are available below.

Terms of Reference

COGG Conflict of Interest Policy

Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach



  • Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach: sprioclá deiridh dé hAoine 19.04.23
  • Tá an sprioclá sroichte againn agus tréaslaímid leis na scoileanna atá tar éis iarratas a aighniú go dtí seo.
  • Níl sé ró-dhéanach go fóill agus tuigim go mbraitear faoi bhrú de bharr imeachtaí eile Idirbhliana.
  • Mar sin, táimid sásta síneadh ama a thairiscint do scoileanna atá cláraithe cheana féin linn go dtí dé hAoine 19.04.24.
  • Ciallaíonn sé sin go mbeidh an tréimhse ama céanna ar fáil dóibh siúd atá tar éis iontráil a leagan isteach linn cheana chun snas a chur ar an iontráil más mian leo.

TG4 Foghlaim, COGG and University of Galway welcome applicants for the competition, Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach 2024.

This is a brand-new competition that stemmed from the Journalism specialism – – ‘Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach’.

Since Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach began, over a thousand students are after learning about Journalism and Current affairs from some of the best Irish Journalists in the country.

Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach gives transition year students a chance to learn from journalists who are working in the journalism fields and their skills and to develop their own skills to do practical work. The aim of Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach is to inspire a new generation who is inquisitive, knowledgeable and understanding about the news and current affairs.

To suppport this competition, TG4 FoghlaimCOGG and Ollscoil na Gaillimhe will provide learning resources to give encouragement and support to the classroom.

Resources – Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach Competition 2024


Schools register fo the competition here and they begin covering the ‘Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach’ resources that are available on TG4 Foghlaim, in the classroom.

The teaching and learning resources are used to sort out students to prepare the school’s application.

The students will be working in groups (four or five) and the group will be asked to create an all-platform news piece.

To enter the competition students must create an all-platform news piece and publish the piece on a blog e.g. WordPress, blogger, Weebly, Edublog. On the blog, the applicants must include the below aspects:

1. Recorded news item
2. Written news paragraph
3. Image
4. Audio clip


Recorded News Piece

Between 3 and 5 minutes in total. An interview with somebody famous in the area; a report about a sports game; a report about an environmental conspiracy; a report about the challenges young people face. 

Written News Piece

Schools are asked to publish a written paragraph on the blog that goes with the recorded news piece. Between 200 and 250 words in the paragraph is recommended.


Young people are asked to publish suitable images that describe the video piece and the written piece.

How does a school send an application in?

 Schools are asked to make one application from the school and send it into  

When is the learning program starting?

The learning program will start on the 15th January 2024 and the resources will be available on the  TG4 Foghlaim website.


The deadline is the 22nd March 2024. 

Award Ceremony

The award presentation will take place in Galway on the 9th May 2024 


A panel of judges will judge the applications and there will be an award ceremony where the prizes will be presented at a special event in May 2024. The winners will have an opportunity to visit TG4 and Ollscoil na Gaillimhe and the News pieces of the winners (copyright approved) will be published on TG4 platforms.


Any question can be sent to us at
Educational advantageS

Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach fosters the interest of school students in the media and journalism. Students will learn through the teaching materials about the following:

News Sources
How/What the best way to research?
The Importance of the Gaeltacht
How best to create written content and the role of print media ?
How/what is the best way to create information content?
How to create raidio content for young people?
The Importance of the Role of Women in the Sports Sector
News coverage through the Irish-Medium


Iriseoirí an Lae Amárachwas set up to foster understanding, knowledge and respect among transition year school students in Journalism and in the News. The aim of Iriseoirí an Lae Amárach is to inspire a new generation to take up Journalism and encourage them to write, record and cover news content in a reliable, enjoyable and knowledgeable way.

The teaching resources that are available with the competition give students a chance to be knowledgeable regarding current affairs, and to understand the importance associated with sharing and covering stories locally and internationally.

Iriseoirí an Lae Amárachaims to show young people that there are employment opportunities in this department.

History of the EU

What is the EU? | The European UnionTopics | Institutions | Activities |

Intensive Course

  • Tá an-áthas ar COGG Dianchúrsa Gaeilge agus Ceardlanna Ábhair (Lá na Speisialtóirí) 2024  a fhógairt.    Réachtálfar an Dianchúrsa Gaeilge i gcomhar le Gaelchultúr ar feadh ceithre lá ón 12 -15  Lúnasa.  Cuirfear ranganna Gaeilge ar fáil ar líne do mhúinteoirí iar-bhunscoile ar gach leibhéal (A2- C1)  ar feadh 3 lá ó Luan go Céadaoin 12-14 Lúnasa agus beidh na ranganna seo ábhar agus seomra ranga-bhunaithe.
  • Déardaoin 15 Lúnasa, reáchtálfar Lá na gCeardlann Ábhair (Lá na Speisialtóirí) i gColáiste na Coiribe, Gaillimh, agus cuirfear deis iontach ar fáil do mhúinteoirí a teagascann trí Ghaeilge teacht le chéile agus ceardlann a dhéanamh le sainmhúinteoirí ina gcuid ábhar féin, mar aon le freastal ar sheisiún nó dhó comónta le gach múinteoir a bheidh i láthair!
  • D’éirigh go hiontach le Lá na Speisialtóirí, 2023, ar an láthair chéanna – éistigí leis na múinteoirí ag caint ar RnaG anseo.
  • Cláraigí do na ranganna Gaeilge  – deis saor in aisce oiriúnach do gach múinteoir – idir mhúinteoirí atá ar bheagán Gaeilge agus mhúinteoirí atá ag iarraidh cur lena gcuid cruinnis.
  • Cláraigí do Lá na gCeardlann Ábhair (Lá na Speisialtóirí) – deis do mhúinteoirí iar-bhunscoile teacht le chéile le múinteoirí eile a mhúineann an t-ábhar céanna leo agus foghlaim faoi na hacmhainní is déanaí don ábhar sin.
  • Deis iontach is ea an lá oiliúna seo do mhúinteoirí iar-bhunscoile a teagascann trí Ghaeilge teacht le chéile agus ceardlann a dhéanamh le sainmhúinteoirí ina gcuid ábhar féin, mar aon le freastal ar sheisiún nó dhó comónta le gach múinteoir a bheidh i láthair!  I mbliana, tá téama faoi leith ag baint leis an lá – Ag forbairt acmhainní: an múinteoir i lár an Aonaigh agus cuirfear an-bhéim ar acmhainní nua atá i mbun forbartha ag múinteoirí do COGG don scoilbhliain nua.

Tá na ranganna Gaeilge ar líne saor in aisce agus cuirfear liúntas taistil 100 Euro ar fáil do gach múinteoir chun freastal ar Lá na gCeardlann Ábhair/Lá na Speisialtóirí ! Bígí inár dteannta!

Má tá aon eolas breise uaibh, seolaigí r-phost go

The content-based webinars and the relevant presentations of the specialists in relation to the COGG 2020 and 2021 Intensive Course are available below.


Eolaíocht na Sraithe Sóisearaí – Cur i Láthair


Stair – Cur i LáthairAcmhainní Teagaisc


Tíreolaíocht – Cur i Láthair


Bitheolaíocht na hArdteiste – Cur i Láthair


Corpoideachas – Cur i Láthair

Staidéar Gnó & Gnó

Staidéar Gnó na Sraithe Sóisearaí agus Gnó na hArdteiste – Cur i Láthair


An Ghaeilge sa Rang Ceoil – Cur i Láthair

Gnéithe Ceoil – Cur i Láthair

Acmhainní Teanga Ar Líne

Acmhainní Teanga ar Líne – Cur i Láthair


Matamaitic – Cur i Láthair


Eacnamaíocht Bhaile

Eacnamaíocht Bhaile – Cur i Láthair

Nuatheangacha Iasachta

Taifead ag teacht go luath.

Nuatheangacha Iasachta – Cur i Láthair (Ag teacht go luath)


Reiligiún – Cur i Láthair

Forbairtí na dTéacsleabhar agus Acmhainní Ar Líne

Forbairtí na dTéacsleabhar agus Acmhainní Ar Líne – Cur i Láthair

Online Language Resources

Ar an leathanach seo tá naisc go dtí acmhainní teanga ar líne.

PAWS – Water Safety

Ar an leathanach seo tá sraith ceachtanna chun tacú leis an múínteoir bunscoile agus iad an t-ábhar Sábháilteacht uisce a mhúineadh acu. Tá COGG fíorbhuíoch as cead Sábháilteacht Uisce na hÉireann na hacmhainní a roinnt libh.

Sábháilteacht Uisce: Cur i Láthair


Sábháilteacht Uisce: Gníomhaíochtaí Ar-Líne

Move Well, Move Often

Ar an leathanach seo tá físeáin agus ábhair thacaíochta a théann leis an gclár Gluais go Maith, Gluais go Minic. Tá ábhair thacaíochta ag dul leo freisin.
Tá COGG fíorbuíoch as cead ón tSeirbhís um Fhorbairt Ghairmiúil do Mhúínteoirí a fháil chun na hacmhainní a roinnt.

Gluais go Maith, Gluais go Minic

Cliceáil anseo chun dul go dtí an suíomh Gluais go Maith, Gluais go Minic.


Lasmuigh den Seomra Ranga

Cliceáil anseo chun féachaint ar na físeáin agus na hábhair thacaíochta.

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